• Christian Counseling

    Christian Counseling

    Christian Counseling involves combining your faith with evidence-based therapeutic practices to help address the concerns you are confronted with to your therapist.

    More clients are looking for faith-based counseling that can be integrated into their therapy sessions. They want to be able to address problems from those lenses and be able to openly discuss God, their beliefs and their faith with therapy.

    According to a nationwide survey by the American Association of Pastoral Counselors (AAPC), 83% of Americans believe their spiritual faith and religious beliefs are closely tied to their state of mental and emotional health. Three-quarters have stated it’s important for them to work with a therapist who integrates their values and beliefs into the counseling process. And more respondents said they would prefer to see a religious counselor (29%) than a psychiatrist (27%), psychologist (17%) or family doctor (13%).

    If you or someone you love is interested in exploring faith-based treatment, please be in touch with me.